Sunday, May 31, 2020

Shaking & Awakening

Shaking & Awakening
by Becky Dietz

I believe we’ve been through a time of shaking for the past few months.  The Coronavirus, the pandemic, and the quarantine created a shaking in our world.  In fact, because it was worldwide, it absolutely got our attention. I don’t know about you, but it’s been hard to focus.  We all thought we’d get so much done while we had to be still and inside, but it had the opposite effect.  There was so much information coming at us—and it was all so different—that we didn’t know what to believe.  The result was lots of fear.  Fear of not knowing what would happen next.  Fear of losing businesses or jobs.  Fear of not having enough groceries or the basic necessities of life.  And fear of a virus which could kill.  We were shaken.   

And then the unnecessary and gut-wrenching death of George Floyd was the explosive cannon shot which propelled us into an awakening.  It was the catalyst which made the Church begin to speak out about the hidden sin of racism.  It’s no longer enough to be a non-racist.  We have got to be anti-racists and fight it with all of our being.   We need to take a strong stand against treating ANY man, woman, or child created in the image of God differently.  It’s wrong for any people of color to question their worth or purpose in the kingdom of God.  It’s wrong for them to have to look over their shoulder or fear going into a new situation.  There is no one more or less valuable than another.  We may have always known racism was wrong—but we’ve been awakened to the need to strongly support and love all people!  It’s an awakening which has been needed for generations.  

God is doing a new thing.  Our eyes need to be wide open and we need to be listening to His voice.  I can promise we don’t want to miss what He’s going to do next.   He’s raising up Joshuas and Calebs...Esthers and Deborahs for such a time as this.  Have your hearts purified and prepared as He gets ready to expand His kingdom.  Don’t miss this epic opportunity!  

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

When It’s a Bad Reflection on You

When It’s a Bad Reflection on You
by Becky Dietz

We’ve all felt, at times, the impact of the choices others make is a reflection on us. It’s especially true if they’re our spouse, children, or parents.  Interestingly, as I looked for a photo of a reflection, I was directed to “images.”   That’s pretty profound!   We want to maintain our good image—and are afraid the choices of those close to us may adversely affect us.  

How does God handle how our choices affect Him?  I found the answer in Genesis 38. A little background...Judah is Jacob’s fourth son by Leah.  His name means “praise!”  He was jealous of his younger half-brother, Joseph, and suggested to his other brothers that they sell him to the Ishmaelites...and they did.  

Now Judah has a grown son who is married.  His firstborn was “wicked in the eyes of the Lord,” so God killed him.  It was customary for the next son to marry the widow and give her sons, so the second-born son married Tamar.  He was also wicked and died.  Judah promised the third son to Tamar after he grew up but never gave him out of fear he’d die also.  Judah’s own wife dies and he goes to shear sheep—but on the way, he stops and hires a “prostitute.”  It was actually Tamar posing as a prostitute—but she slept with him and kept his things to prove who was the father of her child should she get pregnant.  He was ready to have her killed when he learned she was pregnant—until she produced his signet, cord, and staff.  His words were, “she has been more righteous than I...”

What a terrible story!! I think if I’d been God, I would have left that one out of the book.  Instead, God prominently displays it.  Tamar had twins by Judah: Perez & Zerah.  In Matthew 1:3 it says, “And Judah begot Perez and Zerah by Tamar and Perez begot Hezron...”.  These verses are talking about the lineage of Christ.  

How does God handle it when His kids behave badly and are a poor reflection of who He is?   He tells the story. He redeems it.  He embraces it.  He uses it.  

Jesus Christ, the lion of Judah!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

That Gut Feeling

I was reading Genesis 27 this morning.  It’s the story of Jacob stealing Esau’s blessing—at the encouragement of his mother, I might add.  

Here’s what struck me.  Isaac was almost blind.  But Jacob knew his father might touch him—and he had baby-smooth skin compared to Esau’s hairy skin.  And he knew Esau had an earthy scent.  So he deceived his father by wearing the skin of an animal and Esau’s clothing.  

SIX TIMES...six times Isaac had a gut instinct. 
1.  Vs. 18-19. “Who are you my son?”
2.  Vs. 20. “How is it that you found it (wild game) so quickly?”
3.  Vs. 21. “Please come near that I may feel you.”
4.  Vs. 22.  “The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau.”
5.  Vs. 24. “Are you really my son Esau?”
6.  Vs. 26-27.  “‘Come near and kiss me, my son.’ And he came near and kissed him, and he smelled the smell of his clothing, and blessed him.”

Six times, there was a check in Isaac’s spirit.  Six is the number of man. Six times there was a check, and he examined it—and Jacob.  But he was deceived.  

This story today just made me think of all the checks I’ve had in my gut recently.  I keep checking facts, examining, questioning.  But if I don’t ask the Holy Spirit to lead me to TRUTH, I’ll be deceived.  

Just like Isaac.