Thursday, February 13, 2025


When someone is a bully or is hateful—or just plain MEAN—don’t we want God to send fire from heaven to consume them? Or at the very least, pack them off to Siberia where they can’t touch us any more?!? I may be more tolerant if it happens to me than if it happens to someone close to me. I can become a mama bear when you hurt someone I love!

There’s a verse that won’t leave my mind—it’s been rolling around in there for days.  Romans 2:4 says,  “Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?” It’s God’s GOODNESS that causes people to repent. I believe most people expect God’s wrath. So what is their reaction when God moves in with goodness and kindness? It stuns them. They’re faced with a loving God who offers repentance. And they have a choice to make. 

I want to be like that, don’t you??  God tells us to “love our enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” Matthew 5:44 is pretty straightforward, isn’t it? But it’s not what our flesh wants to do…at all. It’s only by the Spirit of God that we can be good—goodness is a fruit of the Spirit. We CAN’T offer true goodness on our own. So maybe God’s goodness, by His Spirit, comes through us!

The bottom line is this: do we want people to find Jesus? Do we want to see hearts repent? Do we want lives completely changed? Families changed? Churches changed? Towns changed? Then offer God’s goodness when you’re wronged…it’s what leads to repentance.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Fasting for the First Time

It was probably 35 years ago. I hadn’t grown up knowing about fasting. I mean, I’d heard of Esther telling Mordecai to call the Jewish people to a fast before she went before King Ahasuerus to save their lives. But I’d never known anyone who fasted and talked about it. But I was desperate. Our finances were a mess. We were in over our heads with no way out. Looking back, I’m sure I talked about it all the time with our friends. In fact, a friend later asked why I hadn’t gotten a job. I don’t know. My theology was way off about women working. Plus, I was out to prove a family could live on one income while a mom stayed home. So there was pride, too.  

So I decided to fast and pray about our finances. I chose a 7-day no-food fast. The first couple of days were a little difficult—but that third day was a killer!  I later learned that’s the day all the toxins leave your body. I had a headache that wouldn’t quit! I certainly didn’t do much praying that day. But that fourth day? It’s like everything came into focus. I was spending time with God, listening, watching, waiting. And at the end of that seventh day, I was sad to break my fast. But I did.  

My finances didn’t change immediately…but I did. Later, a friend told me her husband asked, “What happened to Becky? She seems so peaceful!”  I guess I’d quit talking about my finances. I’d gotten a new perspective—God was in control all along. And He knew the way out of our mess. It was also the beginning of my changing theology. I began to see the Word through God’s lens of love and grace.  

Everything didn’t change at once. But everything changed. And, I believe fasting is what set things in motion. Since then, I’ve done other fasts. I’ve done a Daniel fast consisting of vegetables, fruit, and water. I’ve done a social media fast by turning it all off.  The goal of the fast is to bring your pressing, immediate needs before a God who loves you and cares about every detail of your life. He wants to hear your concerns. He wants you to get a perspective of Who He is and what He can do. He wants you to see His great power!! And He wants you to get out of the way. 

Fasting may not change your circumstances immediately (and it may!)…but I can promise it will change you. It may even save a nation. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Burden Bearer Year

I would have to describe my 2024 as a “Burden Bearer” year. I spent the year walking with a friend whose life came crashing down around her. I didn’t have the answers—but I knew where to go. And I knew some basic truths from walking with another friend in similar circumstances years ago. 

About 30 years ago, one of our pastors called me and asked me to counsel a woman walking through a divorce. I panicked.  I told the pastor I had no idea how to help—except to pray with her. I never met with her (I’m sure she decided to look for better help!). After that experience, God showed me I WAS equipped. I’d been a believer for 30 years, had been in the Word, and had the Holy Spirit as my teacher. I told Him then that if he gave me an opportunity, I would help—and learn.  The next week, He dropped an opportunity in my lap! And boy!!  Did I (we) learn!! We never quit walking together. 

I’ve had many (shorter) opportunities to bear other people’s burdens through the years; but in 2024, God asked me to walk closely with another friend and bear her heavy burdens. It was familiar…but also very different. And I’ve learned I still have so much to learn—but I have a very willing and capable Teacher!

God told us to “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2. Don’t you think if we all bore someone’s burdens, there would be so much less anxiety in our culture? You don’t have to have all the answers.  You just have to care—and step in and walk beside them. And you have to listen to your Teacher and help the other person pursue Truth! That’s it. Walk, pray, listen, guide them to Jesus. Be a faithful, loving, and consistent friend. Have I done it perfectly? Oh no! My flesh has come out and the person I was walking with had to remind ME of truth!  But that’s exciting—to see someone grow! God never intended for us to have all the answers. He does. 

We can make 2025 better for someone else. Will you be a Burden Bearer? The amazing thing is that you can even do this long distance. Use that phone for a good purpose—be a burden bearer. It just takes a “yes!” God will take it from there. 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Blessing or Curse

We get to choose. Will we live under blessing or curse? There is no middle ground. You either choose to follow God and live under His blessing…or you choose to walk away from God into curses. Now following God doesn’t mean bad things won’t happen to you—they still will!  God told us to expect that.  But the difference is God walks with you and helps you. 

Stop for a minute and think about families you know who love God and follow Him with all of their hearts. How would you describe them? How would you describe those who don’t follow Jesus? My general adjectives for Jesus-followers would be happy, full of life and light, healthy, good boundaries, fulfilled, joyful, and full of hope. Those who have rejected God? I would say they are mostly unhappy, chaotic, hopeless, dark, angry, a you-owe-me mentality, or an insatiable appetite for what the world offers.  There’s no middle ground. None.  

It’s in ALL of us to want to be happy and fulfilled. And it all comes down to this: Will you choose to love and follow God? He’s the way, He’s the truth, and He’s the life! And there’s no life apart from Him. There’s no fulfillment on earth apart from him..and there’s no eternal life apart from Him. 

I implore you…choose God!! Choose blessing. 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

That Messy First Christmas

That first Christmas was messy. 
•Mary was pregnant before she married. 
•Joseph had to be convinced by an angel to marry her. •They had to travel 94 miles—while Mary was around 9 months pregnant—to pay taxes!
•There was no room for them. 
•They had to stay in a barn. 
•Mary went into labor—in a barn—with no midwife. 
•It was dirty and smelled like animals. 
•They had no bed for Jesus. 
•Dirty shepherds arrived soon after Jesus’ birth. 
It was all messy. 

But…praise God! It reassures me that Jesus will show up in my messy and your messy. He didn’t arrive in a palace making Him inaccessible to you and me. He showed us that we can come to Him just as we are. 

That first Christmas was messy, for sure. But it was also miraculous and filled with wonder. And when Jesus steps into your messy?  You can expect the same.  Jesus came into the messy to rescue you and me. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Fear vs Fearlessness

If you were Satan, which person would you be more likely to prey upon—the person who is terrified, or the person with determination and fearlessness in their eyes? That’s a no-brainer, isn’t it?

That’s why Paul told us in Philippians 1:28 AMP, “And do not [for a moment] be frightened or intimidated in anything by your opponents and adversaries, for such [constancy and fearlessness] will be a clear sign (proof and seal) to them of [their impending] destruction, but [a sure token and evidence] of your deliverance and salvation, and that from God.”

Don’t be intimidated by Satan, his demons, or the people being used by him. God wants us to trust Him—to be fearless! I know it’s easier said than done. But ask God to deliver you from fear and to build faith through His promises to you. Faith comes by hearing God’s Word—so get in the Word!  Know His promises. Grab hold of those promises and hold them close in your heart and mind. 

Walk fearlessly. Satan will know he’s doomed.  

Sunday, December 8, 2024


This morning, I read Ephesians 6:10, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” I looked up the Greek words and to be strong in the Lord means to receive strength from the Lord. But the opposite (it said), is to be headstrong. I know exactly what it means to be headstrong! Demanding my own way, convinced I’m right, or  determined and self-willed. 

We all have a choice…are we going to be strong in the Lord or headstrong? Will we do it God’s way or our way? Will we be kind and filled with the Soirit or self-willed? Will we submit to God or demand our own way—convinced we’re right?

We face that choice every day, don’t we? Just remember…head butting hurts!